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Welcome to Austin Custom Brass 

ACB Summer Studio Classes

ACB Summer Studio Classes

Posted by Trent on 1st May 2023

Austin Custom Brass is excited to announce the ACB Summer Trumpet Studio Program and the ACB Summer Trombone Studio Program! Students will learn from the ACB professionals while having fun playing music with other trumpet players and trombonists. This is a great program for students to develop, learn, and get an advantage for the next school year in a unique learning environment. Studio lessons are a great way to discuss common issues that we all face as musicians while growing together and making new friends. We are really excited to launch this program! Come join us.


  • 1 hour studio class, 8 sessions total
  • Students learn and have fun playing ensemble music
  • Opportunities to present solos in a master class style session
  • Studio class education discussing common issues like articulation, sound production, air, audition preparation, and performance nerves
  • Maximum studio size is 12 students so you can learn in a group but still receive quality individual attention
  • Trumpet Studio Classes on Mondays at 4pm
  • Trombone Studio Classes on Tuesdays at 4pm
  • Sessions start week of June 12th and end week of August 7th (no studio class July 3rd or 4th)
  • $200 per student
  • Open to all who can attend the in-person sessions in the KC shop on Monday/Tuesday afternoons

Sign up today! Call 816-410-0826 or email us at