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Schagerl Ganschhorn Trumpet: Build Your Own!


"I tested this horn and was immediately excited, because it was clearly the best I had ever played!" -Thomas Gansch
(1 review) Write a Review
TPT Ganschhorn Schagerl Build
6.00 LBS
$35.00 (Fixed Shipping Cost)
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Schagerl Ganschhorn

Own the iconic trumpet designed by Mnozil Brass trumpet legend Thomas Gansch and Schagerl's master trumpet builders!

The Ganschhorn combines the advantages of a rotary trumpet with the handling of a piston instrument. It has the direct response of a piston trumpet, with the smooth sound of rotary valves. The sound can go from wide, dark, and complex all the way to very bright and compact. The upper register feels very free. The rotors are lightning fast and smooth. Fast passages feel easy to play, thanks to the top action design and painstakingly handmade valve block. The horn is designed to be played one-handed (unlike traditional rotary trumpet designs) so that you can play plunger mute solos, turn pages, or perform quick mute changes with ease. And you'll stand out from the crowd with the Ganschhorn's eye-catching bell design!

Call us today and we can get your custom Ganschhorn project started, 816-410-0826!

The horn plays amazingly well as you can hear in this video below of a light model Ganschhorn in polished lacquer:


The heavy model sounds awesome too:

This trumpet will be custom built with your preferences in mind! Choose from the light or heavy model, and any finish you like! Check out the photos for some of the different finish options.

Need help choosing your options? Give us a call at (816) 410-0826 and we'll be happy to discuss your custom Ganschhorn build.

Handmade in Austria

This video shows some of the Ganschhorn making process, including the valve block and bell:


  • Gold Brass bell (132mm flare with .50mm gauge for Heavy & 130mm flare with .45mm gauge for Light)
  • Changeable leadpipe design
  • Vertical rotary valve block


More videos! 


The way the rotary valves sound between the notes is just such a great feature of this horn, especially when you're playing faster passages. It's a truly unique sound that's impossible to replicate on a piston valved instrument.

Check out this video about the process of designing the Ganschhorn and building it by hand at the Schagerl factory:

Here's a little comparison video of four different Schagerl Meister Series instruments; the Ganschhorn, the Raweni, the Roman Empire, and the Spyder! Also using a Schagerl Apredato mouthpiece with all four horns.

Custom builds take about 12 weeks.


If you have additional questions send us an email

Prior to ordering please check our Shipping and Returns policy.

If you have any questions please send us an email or give us a call at (816) 410-0826! We also offer several financing options.

Also note weight indicated in the ad is shipping weight not actual weight of instrument.


Amati Denak, Cerveny, Amrein, Bach, Baumann, Beck, Benge, Besson, Blackburn Trumpets, E.K. Blessing, Brass Sound Creation, Tomomi Kato, Calicchio, Callet, Cerveny, Chicago Brass Works, C.G. Conn, Couesnon, Courtois, Antoine Courtois Paris, D.E.G., Dynasty, Willson, Weril, Destino by Doc Severinsen, Dobberstein, Gerd Dowids, Eclipse Trumpets, Edwards Instruments, Egger Instruments, Exbrass, Flip Oakes Wild Thing, Finke, First Brass, Freebell, Galileo Brass, Getzen, Haagston, Harrelson Holton, Hub van Laar, Thomas Inderbinen, JA Musik Group, Vogtlaendische Musik, B&S Challenger, Scherzer, Joseph Sternberg, Jupiter, Kanstul, King, Micheal Kordick, Kroeger Trumpets, Hans Kromat, Kuehnl & Hoyer, Laetzsch, Lawler Trumpets, Lechner, Josef Lidl, Marcinkiewicz, Martin Committee, MAX Trumpet by Charles Colin, Donald Miles, Monette, Josef Monke, Morrison Digital Trumpet, Besson, Musik Spiri, NM Project, F.E. Olds, Phaeton, Puje, Ricco-Kuehn,  Ricco Kuhn, Schagerl, Schilke, Martin Schmidt, Scodwell, Henri Selmer Paris, Shaffer, Smith-Watkins, Stomvi, Straub, Taylor Trumpets, Thein Brass, V-Raptor by Bob Reeves, Romeo Adaci, Warburton, Denis Wedgwood, E.M. Winston, Yamaha, ganschorn, gansch

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  • 5

    Posted by Jonathan De La Cruz on 26th Jun 2021

    The response is instant, the notes even, and the sound is gorgeous! The amount of changes I can do in timbre as well as dynamics are what makes this horn even more attractive for me. Plus, the horn itself is a work of art! This is by far my favorite horn!

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